New York City, Community Solar, New York, YSG Solar
February 27, 2020

Community solar is fast becoming a popular solar choice for New Yorkers all across the city and the entire state. With this in mind, we’ve answered some key questions about community solar and how it all works in New York City


What is Community Solar?

Community solar is a central solar panel system that is connected to the local power company. All energy generated goes directly to the local power company. In return for receiving the power generated from the solar panels, the local power company provides the community solar ‘project sponsor’ with energy credits for each kWh generated. The project sponsor will then sell each energy credit to subscribers based on the energy requirements for the subscribers. The subscribers are able to purchase the energy credits for a 10% discount compared to their value.


Community solar in New York City is one of the best concepts we have to transform the local energy market. New York City is powered by Con Edison which has some of the most expensive energy costs—right behind Hawaii. Renters and homeowners typically face many challenges when evaluating solar. Typically, about 75% of homes are not capable of getting rooftop solar installed.


YSG Solar currently has 5 MW of community solar projects in operation, under construction, and in development within New York City's Con Edison territory. Subscribers are currently capable of receiving energy credits at a discount, with the lack of space and certain local law regulations we believe in the next few years there will be a premium for clean energy generated within NYC.


In 2019 New York City passed Local Laws 95, Local Law 96, and Local Laws 97. These are some of the most aggressive local laws to promote solar and the use of clean energy. With the nominal quantity of community solar systems located within NYC and the fact that we have one of the largest electrical loads in the entire North East, clean energy as a community solar subscriber, folks may experience a basic supply and demand concern that could increase the cost. YSG recommends subscribing to community solar facilities at your earliest convenience if you can.


What does a community solar contract look like?

A community solar contract will indicate the general terms and conditions of the agreement. Standard terms include the subscription cost, the length of the subscription term, and mechanisms for canceling the subscription agreement. Other mechanisms described within the subscription agreement concern how to transfer your subscription agreement to another electric utility account, and also any fees or costs associated with this. Certain subscription agreements may require a credit check, while others have no credit check and are simple one-year contracts.


What to ask my community solar provider?

It's important to understand how long your solar provider has been developing community solar projects. How many community solar projects do they currently have up and running? Speaking with at least three references for your prospective community solar provider is also a crucial component. 


Community solar is offered in various areas throughout New York, such as those listed below:


  • Community Solar: Staten Island, New York

  • Community Solar: Brooklyn, New York

  • Community Solar: Queens, New York

  • Community Solar: Harlem, New York

  • Community Solar: Bronx, New York


If you’re interested in subscribing to community solar then YSG is the way to go. We take care of the entire subscription process from start to finish, simplifying sign-up for our customers. Contact YSG Solar today to learn how it all works and how much you could save on your utility bills. Send us an email, or call at 212.389.9215 to learn more.